Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

Ben Witherington had a recent post on the Da Vinci Code movie entitled: Are You Ready to Rumble? The basic gist of it is that this new movie will probably be a blockbuster event in our culture and will provide Christians with an opportunity to engage people on a spiritual level about the Christian faith.

I tend to agree. It is exciting to think about the opportunities for spiritual conversations that could come out of this movie. A friend of mine who is a good Christian and whose name will remain strictly anonymous, said that she “loved movies that made Christians look stupid.” Well, uh…I’m still trying to figure out what that one means, but I think that what she is driving at is that sometimes a distortion of the truth (which the Da Vinci Code most certainly is) gives us the opportunity to bring the genuine truth to the forefront. (This could be what Stephanie was talking about, but who really ever knows what she means!?!?)

One the one hand, if Christians do not engage this movie and discuss it with our friends and family then the errors perpetrated in the Da Vinci Code will stand out as actual errors in the minds of many people. I can imagine that in this scenario many people will say, “Gee, who really knows what the deal is with that Jesus guy?” But on the other hand, if Christians engage in conversation with people and are successful in defending the realness and legitimacy of Jesus and Jesus’ claims to be the Messiah and Son of God then the question people must ask themselves is this: “Gee, what do I do with this Jesus guy?”

The difference in these two scenarios is critical, but either way it brings people face to face with the person of Christ. Like it or not this movie will be big. How the Church responds is yet to be seen.

Link of Interest:


  1. Hey, you look like Bono in your picture!
    Anyway, did I really say that? I suppose I shouldn't talk to you when I am tired anymore. I think you were right about what I was trying to say- I like things that just bring up Jesus, even if its negative.

  2. Hey Jon - Why don't you post an article on phone etiquette, eh??

    Sincerely, Your friendly neighborhood person that you probably don't remember.

  3. Phone etiquette is a very, very important issue, and must be given a great deal of thought. In fact, the whole face of phone etiquette has changed in the cell phone era. This must be given serious thought, because we are in the revolution!

    I'll give it some thought. The first rule of phone etiquette, however, is to never assume that the person you have called either knows that you called or received your message. The gist is this: Don't take it personally if someone does not get back with you right away!

  4. The second rule of phone etiquette, however, is to remain on the phone the duration of the conversation, and hang up only when both parties have verbally ended the conversation... maybe... but what do I know?

  5. HHhhhmmm....I'm not sure I agree with that second rule - I call it into dispute! For example, what happens if one party refuses to end the conversation? This second rule seems to imply that both parties must believe the conversation is over. But what about telemarketers? Or what if you politely say you have to go and the other party continues to ask you questions or carry on the conversation?

    Food for thought, I guess....

  6. Several thoughts - rule number 2 does not apply to telemarketers. If you are talking to friends on the phone and attempt to end the conversation and they refuse, they seem to be rude and you should get new friends. However, you should not attempt to prematurely end a conversation if the other party has things to say unless you have good reason, such as a bad grease fire in your kitchen, in which case rule 2 also does not apply.

  7. Lindsay said...

    Not only does it bring people face to face with Christ, but it also brings two worlds together. The world of Art and the world of Christ, since art can be so far from Christian ideals. We are able to mold these two controverial subjects into one. The art world so easily takes God out, or twist Him into some delusional object; such as simply a cruxifix in urine or blood.
    Since, we live in a post-modern, post-everything world. Art has taken the opportunity to continue its propaganda in these "post" worlds. The Post world loves to take Christian ideals, and biblical accounts and mold them into a diceiving theme, for "arts sake". THe Da Vinci Code like you said, will give us the opportunity to show the true Christ. Since he is the first and only true artist.

  8. Never mind the fact that I have my name twice on the comment before. I never said I was computer savy, actually I have been told on numerous accounts I wasn't. What can I say, nobody is perfect. I'm an artist not a bloomin techy.
