Thursday, April 06, 2006

Gay Christian buses - Coming to a conservative college near you!

A group of gay Christian students are touring the nation on a bus to engage a group of Christian colleges and universities that they consider to be hostile to gay and lesbians. Some of the colleges, including Biola University, are engaging the individuals and holding meetings with them. Others are a bit less friendly. Liberty University, for example, had the members of the group arrested for trespassing as soon as the students stepped off the bus.

With the rising acceptability of homosexuality within our culture there is a growing need to discuss how to react to gays and lesbians who also claim to be Christians and desire to engage conservative Christian circles. One method of dealing with this issue is to arrest any homosexual that comes near your organization. Another way to address this phenomenon is to engage in conversation and dialogue. This, of course, means providing solid reasons why a conservative believes that homosexuality is, in fact, wrong and immoral despite the fact that the homosexual with whom he or she is speaking may be very sincere about their desire to live the Christian faith.

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