Monday, May 08, 2006

Movie Reviews

Mission Impossible III:A very good action/espionage movie.  In my opinion, it is the best one so far.  The plot line was intriguing and interesting, but at the same time I didn’t feel like it was totally over my head like I felt in the first two movies.  MI I and II had such a complex and fast moving plot line that when I would watch the movies again after a year or two I would still not really know what is going on – that’s not necessarily a bad thing, either, because a complex plot means the movie doesn’t get old after watching it a few times.
Tom Cruise did a fantastic job, as usual.  (I’ve really liked his work on some of his recent movies like Vanilla Sky, Minority Report, The Last Samurai, and Collateral.)  I thought the romantic theme got to be a little bit much and it took the edge off of the whole “Mission Impossible” grit that has characterized this series.  The movie just got a little bit too personal for my taste, but that’s just me.  I give it 4.5 out of 5.0.

The Sentinel:
Absolutely horrid.  A cheap attempt to throw together a 24-like movie with Kiefer Sutherland and take advantage of fans of Kiefer’s television show during the most intense part of the season.  The plot was completely predictable and had zero originality – every element in this movie has been done before.  It was a complete waste of $7.50.  I’m a big fan of 24, but absolutely hated this movie.  There was a great cast and the acting was good, but they had nothing to work with in terms of story line.  Frankly, I think even I could have written a better storyline in only a few hours on a Saturday morning.  This movie gets graded an “F”

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