Thursday, May 25, 2006

What defines you?

Alan Hartung has a post about not allowing our tragedies to define us.  He says we should learn from the past, but not allow it to hinder us from moving forward.  Hhhmmm….but is it possible to not dwell on the past enough?  What happens when we don’t spend enough time dealing with tragedy and it catches up with us later because we moved too fast?

Where is the line between dealing with the past in a healthy way and not allowing our tragedies to define and dominate us?


  1. What constitutes enough time? No matter how quickly or slowly you move forward after tragedy, there is a high probability there will be waves that result later on due to the circumstance. There will be reminders of the situation that may trigger pain, anger, or a variety of other responses. What matters is how you react and work through the situation at that moment and how the people who are close support and encourage you through it. It’s going to be an ongoing process. Will you ever really know if you’ve given yourself enough time to deal with something?
