Thursday, December 28, 2006

Red Rock Canyon

Dan and I went to Red Rock Canyon on Tuesday. It is located just west of Vegas and has some excellent scenery. We hiked up Turtlehead Peak - one of the more strenuous and difficult hikes at Red Rock. Round trip was about 5 miles. We also tried a bit of rock climbing. (I recommend you click or double click on the pictures to see a larger view and get the full effect of the incredible scenery.)

Here I am at the beginning of our hike up to Turtlehead Peak

Off in the distance is our destination: Turtlehead Peak. Kinda' looks like a turtle's head, eh???

A couple of pictures showing why Red Rock Canyon has the word "Red" in it.

Here we are at the beginning of our ascent

We continue on our hike up the mountain...

The view from the top.

More of the view from the top - The city off in the distance is Vegas

These are the rocks of Red Rock Canyon

Dan and I try our luck at climbing up some of the rocks...Rock climbing is really hard work. It requires balance and a heckuva lot of toughness - upper and lower body strength. But it is a lot of fun!

I proudly display one of my souvenirs from Red Rock Canyon.

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