Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Influence, Approval, and Sarcasm

I thought this video from The Onion on Least Influential Americans was interesting, because they took a shot at Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Ft. Wayne, by the way, is a charming little city, and not in the least deserving of being home to the Least Influential American!

Time Releases Annual List Of Least Influential Americans

Also, a few other satirical vids:

In The Know: Kim Jong-Il's Approval Rating Plummets to 120%

Report: 70 Percent Of All Praise Sarcastic


  1. How can Ft. Wayne be a charming city? The moment a person sets foot in it, they're lost.

    Down with the one way streets!
    Down with Fort Wayne!
    (except for of course the areas with shopping malls...)

  2. You Indiana people are all crazy...

    Personally, I think its part of some sort of government conspiracy to raise gas prices (do you have any idea how much I spend try to find my way anywhere in Ft. Wayne?).

  3. Maybe you should ride a bike more often? Or walk? Then you could reduce your carbon footprint (and perhaps sell carbon credits to Al Gore)!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Somehow I don't see me biking through downtown Ft. Wayne...

  6. Ok, fine....kill the planet...see if I care.....

  7. Ft. Wayne...there's a famous building there...



  8. The building is quite beautiful.

    I, of course, could care less (or more?) about malls. Down with their suppression of all that is noble, good and deeply and firmly rooted.
