Sunday, September 23, 2007

Freedom - Discussion Link

I left a quick post on "freedom" over at a sister blog, The Discussion Link, which is a blog related to my local church. This goes along with some of the recent discussion here as well as over at Ktismatics on the issue of desire and how it relates with Law. Specifically, the question is whether or not Paul (in his letter to the Galatians) is simply replacing one Law with another law. Yet in 5:1 he talks about "freedom." Is this uninhibited freedom? Radical freedom? Dangerous freedom? I think so.
Here is the link if you want to weigh-in: Freedom


  1. I did 10 posts on Galatians and a related one on Romans 7 that follows, mostly focusing on this topic of freedom and the law. There are two interruptions in the string of posts: one about myself, the other about the war. If you're interested you can click on the first one, entitled "Law as Servant," then follow the the posts forward at the upper right -- the second one is "Paul and the Hermeneutical Horizon." Though I don't claim to be Christian, I think my readings are true to the Biblical text and compatible with a Christian interpretation. If you don't want to bother I may intersperse comments on this post based on those posts on my blog. The link to the first Galatians post is here.

  2. As I recall, I believe that agree with much of your exegesis, however you do not agree that I agree with much of your exegesis. Fair summary?

    Also, maybe you should give these a separate category on your blog. The issue of "desire" is very relevant and intriguing in this day and age, and I can imagine that we will be wanting to reference back to these posts several times, particularly when bringing in the issue of "Law" or even simply Paul's theology of "desire/flesh/lust."

  3. No, I think I generally agree that we agree. Good suggestion about assigning them to a "desire" category. I ought to do a better job of categorizing posts generally speaking.

  4. Well, let's not get carried away with categorization, after all, the period of Modernity is over!

  5. When Nietzsche published "Beyond Good and Evil"
