Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pillow talk

After being asleep for about two hours last night I woke up knowing that I needed to get rid of my pillow. For some reason I could no longer use it. A few hours later I awoke and realized I had no pillow and suddenly felt conflicted. On the one hand, I knew that I had a very good reason for discarding the pillow (bugs or poison or some such critical issue), yet on the other hand I could not remember why. I had no desire to sleep without a pillow, nor did I want to go hunting for a replacement. Soooooo......I just put my pillow back in to service.

Do you have any ideas of deeper meanings behind this episode last night? Any hidden truths that can be brought to bear upon me or my personality? Any interpretations that may aid my self-realization?!?!

Also, just like in Daniel chapter 2, I wonder if you could not only interpret the events, but also tell me what happened. That is, why I did I originally discard my pillow. I simply cannot recall. And yet I would have never gotten rid of my pillow (because I very much love my pillow, it being the perfect size and all) if I hadn't had a darned good reason.


  1. Before waking up the first time, you must have been dreaming or thinking about some issue that is deeply penetrating your soul. You did not like whatever you were thinking, even if it was something you had previously thought with much conviction. You were tired of your thinking. (Thus getting rid of the pillow.) However, upon further sleep, your subconscious felt a tug back to your previous thinking. For convenience, you fell back on it. (Hence, retrieving the pillow.)

    Get used to it. I can never figure out what I'm thinking or doing.

  2. I fasted for um...well actually before I read this post I'd just polished off a toaster pastry.

    But being the oh-so-smart (and humble - I'm real good with humbleness) person that I am I can still interpret your crisis situation.

    The pillow represents the free-market and consumerism and for a time you felt uncomfortable with these things and you pushed them away. But a time is coming when all of this will seem like nonsense and you will want to embrace them again. And you'll probably buy a new car.

    Oh yeah, I totally missed my calling.

  3. I knew that I had a very good reason for discarding the pillow (bugs or poison or some such critical issue)

    OCD, fer sure. Either that or you can't decide whether you want a certain soft comfort in your life (and...umm...your bed :)

  4. Excellent observations thus far! It is definitely helping me understand myself.

    Obviously I am conflicted about something, eh??? But is it something(s)/one(s) that should be in my life that I keep pushing away? Or is it something(s)/one(s) that should not be in my life, but I just keep bringing them/it back????

  5. You've probably seen a kitten or a puppy recently that needs a home. You're first thoughts were, "Who needs that thing?" and just dismissed it. But now it's gotten ahold of you. You can't sleep. You keep seeing this ball of fur in your mind. You've even named it already. Just give in and take the little thing home with you.

  6. Jason: OCD, fer sure.

    Jon: Excellent observations thus far! It is definitely helping me understand myself.

    Are you admitting to OCD use?

  7. I'd guess that the pillow is your mental stand-in for whatever you are most comfortable with in life.

    There is something that causes you discomfort. The pillow that should conquer all discomforts failed to overcome this one, or, even worse, gave off an offensive odour as it accomplished its task.

    Thou declared: "Oh thou unfaithful one" and gave it the boot, till thou realised that Qohelet had lied.

    There is comfort, there is only sleep. The "full fathom five" really does work even out of water but only with the help of thae one right pillow, and so "to sleep, to dream" is the ultimate reality that man (Erdman can/should aspire to.

  8. "A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work." Qohelet 2:24

  9. Emily: Are you admitting to OCD use?

    I'm a social user.

  10. Your pillow is too thick for comfort so you got rid of it, but no pillow isn't comfortable either. It's a dilemma. Last night I vacillated between one pillow and two -- maybe it was just one of those pillow nights?

  11. I started with one pillow, then at some point in the night I reached down to the floor, grabbed the pillow that was lying there, and used it too. Maybe when you got rid of your pillow it somehow slipped through a portal in the space-time continuum and wound up on my floor. It needed to be used by somebody, so I picked it up and used it.

  12. Let's hope that nothing else slips into said portal....

  13. Well, there is one more thing... I woke up with a headache, which is very rare for me. So perhaps some residue of your conflict was deposited on the pillow, and transmitted itself from the pillow into my brain. Let me guess: you did not have a headache when you woke up, am I right?

  14. headache.......and all the liquor was gone.......

  15. THAT'S your "mind altering" "substance" :)
