Monday, September 17, 2007

Where were you when OJ was served?

Back in 1994 I was a young, 16 year old kid. Bright eyed and ready to conquer the world. My family had taken a vacation to South Dakota and, because of my incredible sense of responsibility, I was allowed to stay at home and keep all things in order. Unfortunately, the OJ thing broke and spooked my parents. What were they thinking leaving their eldest offspring alone with crazies like OJ roaming the streets of L.A.!??! (Never mind that we lived in the middle of an Indiana cornfield.) And then to make matters worse - much worse - I gave a ride to a complete stranger despite the fact that I did not have my driver's license yet. And then to go from much worse to, well, even more worserer still, I was speaking with my concerned parents on the phone and told them, "Uh, someone's at the door, I'll be right back." I set the phone down and never returned.

Panic set in. The fam came back early. And Yours Truly was grounded from getting his driver's license for two months. The punishment, of course, was inhumane for a 16 year old American kid who lived in the country.

And it all started with OJ. Hopefully, he won't screw up my life, again, with his recent Las Vegas arrest.


  1. You're lucky your parents didn't whip you with a wooden spoon.

  2. May I ask how long the phone was off the hook? An hour? A day? A WEEK?

  3. I bet that phone bill sucked.

  4. It wasn't too long....And, of course, they hung up on the other line so the bill wasn't out of control!

  5. No way!

    It was torture to not be able to have my license right away. Torture! We lived in the country and my friends were all several miles away. Plus, freedom was denied me....that's why I'm so cranky now - I've never recovered.
