Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blogoneutics - "Snurfing"

Here at the Theos Project we track the current shifting of culture by observing the change of language - or vica versa. This is particularly true in relation to how technology over the last 100+ years has changed the way we live and think.

Our current word is "snurfing." I take it from a recent Comcast commercial. Comcast is currently running commercials where they coin terms (like "televisiphonernetting") that relate with how we use technology. "Snurfing" is surfing online when one is supposed to be on the phone. This most often occurs by members of the male gender when talking to their significant female other. Or is it???? Regardless, I must raise my hand as being guilty of this quite often. Even as recently as last night. (Sorry, Mom!)


  1. Girls are just sneakier about it.
    I frequently talk on the phone and surf the net at the same time. Sometimes I'm also watching television and/or reading a magazine.

  2. Melody: Girls are just sneakier about it.

    You mean that girls are just better at it?!?!? Weeeeeell, I bet you can't tell that I'm watching tv and reading right now!

  3. Weeeeeell, I bet you can't tell that I'm watching tv and reading right now!

    You see what I mean about the non-sneakiness?
