Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Where's Waldo????

The 2007 Eisenbrauns staff.


  1. It looks like the picture was taken a few months ago. You waited months to share this with us?

  2. Jon, is there a James Spinti in tere anywhere? I keep seeing comments of his about how great Eisenbrauns is on a couple of scholarly lists that I'm in.

  3. Spinti is the highest one in the tree....His placement was intentional: He is the most cerebral and other-worldly! He orbits and floats around those of us in the office who are mere mortals!

  4. Em,

    The pic was taken maybe a month or so back. It was just recently put on the web, however.

  5. How dumb can u get? I just realised that you've captioned the pic!

  6. So, Sam, you heard of the famous Spinti over the internet? His fame traveled through the world wide web?

  7. But that would make Mike second most cerebral...and I have a hard time envisioning him floating around the office...or even kinda hovering above the ground...I think ya'll need a new picture.

  8. Mike's steps are light and graceful as he floats about the office.

  9. Standing next to the boss I see, Mr. Danger. Shrewd.

  10. Yep, Mr. Spinti is famous even in India - to those few here that read obscure stuff about even more obscure stuff.

  11. The pic was taken maybe a month or so back. It was just recently put on the web, however.

    Okay, just want to make sure we're in on any new developments. :)
