Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Here are your two New Hampshire winners.

How bad would it be if these were our two Presidential choices this year?



  1. Well, I like McCain better than Clinton. But yes, you're right...


  2. Pretty sad.

    Who do you want to win Jon?

  3. I want Obama, Romney, and Bloomberg to fight it out. That would be the most intriguing elections in many years.

  4. I'd vote for you, but I don't know where you stand on "the issues." And, I'm sorry to say, but your experience is non-existant.

  5. Well, Emily, I'm a big fan of the issues. I think they are good to address. Furthermore, perhaps "experience" is not such a good thing when it comes to politics. Experience in politics is like, "I know how to tell you nothing that sounds like something." Hhhhhmmmmmm.....maybe I do have political experience.....

  6. I don't think it makes a difference who wins, so I don't care.

  7. Dawn,

    I thought Hillary was your girl??? What's up w/ that!!??

  8. I don't think it makes a difference who wins, so I don't care.

    Then you probably won't be writing any posts with wording like, oh I don't know,

    "How bad would it be if these were our two Presidential choices this year?


  9. Well, when I say, "Ugh," and other such technical terms, I simply mean that I would hate to have them as my president, because it would cause me discomfort to see them. Some politicians are more bearable to look at. Some make you feel as though they actually care and/or have an idea of what they are talking about. Others (Hillary and McCain, etc.) are so transparently ridiculous that I'm annoyed.

    The three candidates mentioned (Obama, Romney, Bloomberg) have the ability to make me think they are competent, even if deep down I know that they are not. It's all a roll of the dice when it comes to politics and voting for leadership. "Your guy" might be the wrong guy for the challenges to come. And, of course, we have no idea what challenges lie ahead, so who knows for sure whether "my guy" is the right guy???

  10. It's kind of depressing when you think about it. Even if you figure out who the right guy is, vote for him, and he gets elected... He's not going to do everything wonderfully. Maybe better than the others, but still lacking. And how could anyone be president anyway? I'd go crazy.

  11. And how could anyone be president anyway? I'd go crazy.

    Yeah, it always seemed like a real bummer of a job to me...even as a kid.

    Erdman in 2012!

    Because you want him to go crazy or because you think he's been inoculated?
