Thursday, August 30, 2007

Maintain an effortless cool this summer

The headline reads "Maintain an effortless cool this summer." Under the caption is Yours Truly - The Erd-man peddling tee shirts by my cool, debonair manner. (

Apparently I have succumbed to selling myself for the sake of advertising hype and Capitalistic consumption: Trading my "cool" look for corporate profits. Friends, I am now a part of the marketing machine, which I have railed against on this very blog! Have I become merely another Abercrombie and Fitch representative? Selling my sensuality for corporate profit?!!?


  1. Hello :) was just bloghopping by.

    am a fool, same as you! for the same reasons!!

  2. You didn't read the fine print in your contract? : )


  3. Funny. You seemed pretty excited about it when I asked if I could use it. :-p

  4. He's deeply conflicted, secretly he's always wanted to be a super model. Now that his dream has come true he's having an idenity crisis ;)

  5. I can't wait till they come out with the cuneiform underpants.

  6. I can't wait till they come out with the cuneiform underpants.

    Uh, please refrain from any mental pictures or images.

  7. Update:

    Andy (see above) has changed the heading from "Maintain an Effortless Cool" (of which I approve) to "Be the Coolest Kid in School." Hhhhmmmm....the jury is still out on that one...
