Saturday, September 01, 2007

Save the lame show, save the world

As we approach the fall television sitcom season it is time to get something off of my chest: I think that Heroes is lame.

I found a great deal to be desired in terms of character and plot development, which was even more aggravated by the insertion of endless commercial breaks.....But here is the thing: Any show whose rallying cry is "save the cheerleader, save the world" is not going to make it on to Erd-tube very often. (And, yes, as of yet I have not gone to widescreen, High Def technology.) I mean, with all the money spent on these sitcoms you're telling me that the networks don't have someone on staff to ask whether or not the main advertising slogan makes any sense?

"Save the cheerleader"??? I just can't get into that.

Friday Night Lights. Now that's a good show. I'm down with it and looking forward to next season. Football in a small town. Let's roll, baby!


  1. I loved Heroes!

    Of course I followed the show kinda loosely, but I thought it was rather enjoyable and not just the same old, same old.

    I mean, the love lives of socially inept people are always fascinating...but how many different ways can this be a tv show?

    How many different series can possibly be made about a sloppy man and a bossy woman who have a barely functional marriage, obnoxious in-laws, and a child or two that really don't have anything to do with the show except that married people tend to have kids?

    At least time traveling Asians and combustable human beings trying to save the world by helping a indistructable cheerleader who was adopted by some guy who's middle management in an evil organization and is befriended by a cop who can read people's minds is creative.

    And incidentally...I don't know where you got "Save the cheerleader, save the world" from...this is the first I've heard it.

  2. "how many different ways can this be a tv show?"

    I read about a psychology study investigating why and when people laugh in ordinary conversation. The experimenters said reviewing the videotapes was like watching a really bad sitcom with a kind of random laugh track triggered by non-funny remarks.

  3. I laugh at things that aren't funny. At least I assume I do, because people always have to ask why I'm laughing.

  4. I read about a psychology study investigating why and when people laugh in ordinary conversation.


    The experimenters said reviewing the videotapes was like watching a really bad sitcom with a kind of random laugh track triggered by non-funny remarks.


    I laugh at things that aren't funny.


    At least I assume I do, because people always have to ask why I'm laughing.


  5. Of course you don't have a big flat screen hi-def TV! Especially after the MP3 player fiasco.

  6. High Def is over-rated anyhow...they die so easily.

  7. hey. did you know the cheerleader chick has g-rents that had a place on winona lake? she said this on jay leno one night. she said she was afraid of sharks--even though it was fresh water.


  8. Yes, I had heard that the cheerleader had connections to our beautiful little town....very unfortunate!

  9. What do you have against the cheerleader?

  10. She just rubs me the wrong way. Plus she's over-hyped....but, then again, isn't everyone these days???

  11. What-ever, how is she over hyped? There are barely commercials for that show.

    But its kind of amusing that her having connections to Winona Lake came up because just today Robin was telling me how her grandparent's nextdoor neighbor came in to get photos developed and was showing her pictures of the cheerleader as a little girl.
