Friday, October 26, 2007


Ok, just because everyone cares so much, I am writing to update you on the ipod situation. A few months back when I was having all that trouble with my ipod nano and the related Worst Buy Warranty, I wrote a review on entitled "igotscrewed"....for some reason it hasn't shown up yet.....Remember the recent rants??? My old, ridiculously unreliable ipod nano continued to malfunction at every turn, resulting in a trip to Best Buy to get the stupid thing exchanged - sorry, looks good to us: Yes, you morons! But it doesn't work when I go for a run!
Sorry, sir, you'll have to wait for the Geek Squad.
Uh, what??? Ok

....and waiting and waiting....and leaving the store.....

So, the stupid ipod finally died. With that I realized how much I was relying upon technology to make my running a satisfying venture. So, I said, "screw it" - I'm running with only a stop watch. (My runs, of course, have been slow and short due to my recovering knee from the last Half I ran.)

Having recovered the joy of the pure run, I went to Worst Buy yesterday with my dead ipod and believe it or not a righteous dude helped me at the service desk and said I could have $199 in store credit.


So, for the $199 I was able to double the storage and I now have a nifty 8 gig 3rd generation ipod.

We will wait to see if it actually works. It looks cool. But "ipod without works is dead."

The 3rd generation ipods are now square (or very close to square), which is unlike the tall, rectangular shape of the 2nd generation ipods (my old piece of trash ipod was 2nd gen). This, of course, means that I have the privilege of purchasing a new $30 armband from Nike!

Well, that's all the Grrrrrrrrrr I have for today. Have a good weekend.

Oh, yea, there's one more thing. The last thing the guy at Worst Buy asked me as I was checking out was, "Do you want to buy the Warranty with that, sir?"