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Friday, June 25, 2010

Quote of the Day

"If I hadn't shot poor Delia, I'da had her for my wife."

- From the Johnny Cash song "Delia"


john doyle said...

Domestic squabbles, Erdman? Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone.

Jonathan Erdman said...

Ha, ha. No.

After I posted this, I thought, "Hhhmmm, that's kind of a random quote." There's something about the dissonance of the sound of that line grabs me.

Jonathan Erdman said...

Ha, ha. No.

After I posted this, I thought, "Hhhmmm, that's kind of a random quote." There's something about the dissonance of the sound of that line grabs me.

tamie marie said...

I remember the first time I really listened to the words on that song and I was like, what the heck? Then I laughed. I just hope it's not some kinda foreshadowing!