The Hen and the Capitalist
I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine who is giving her workers (about 10 of them) one more week to produce the necessary quotas or she will cut their heads off.The workers, of course, are her laying hens. The hens are only producing 1-2 eggs per day, which is far below the bosses expectation. The hens will be executed if their production doesn't pick up.
I suggested therapy for the chickens - that perhaps something traumatic has triggered a depression of some sort and the result is an inability to find motivation. However, my friend is unmoved...Obviously she is a demanding Capitalist whose sole object is profit....
Is this literally true, or an allegory?
Good question. Actually, it is a quite literal rendering - an actual historical account....but do feel free to read into it whatever allegory you like!
Keep in mind that I live in a quite rural area of northern Indiana....very beautiful this time of year I might add - with the leaves changing colors - very aesthetically pleasing, although it is getting a bit cold for cycling.
Sounds like fried chicken and mashed potatoes are coming! :)
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